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Sunday, April 22, 2007

sharing my durian with my cat...

This cat of mine which I called BABY luuurvessss to eat durian...apparently I was enjoying just a piece of durian...when he came up to have his own bite...

Kebanyakan kita tidak mengetahui kebaikannya dari segi kesihatan. Kalau kita lihat gambarrajah reflexology dibawah, bila dalam iftirash ini, kaki kanan kita dapat tekanan di bahagian atas kaki dan kaki kiri kita dapat tekanan bawah & tengah kaki. Duduk iftirash ni memberi 'tekanan reflexology' yang menyeluruh. Tapi bagi orang yg tidak menegakkan kaki kanan, mereka hanya mendapat 'tekanan reflexology' utk sebahagian tubuh sahaja (tidak meliputi bahagian - Brain, Neck, throat, heart, voice sinus, pituitary glands, etc spt dalam gambarajah). Ini merugikan.

Eloklah kita cuba duduk secara iftirash yang sempurna semoga kita dapat pahala kerana ikut sunnah dan juga kesihatan yg menyeluruh melalui 'indirect reflexology excersize' utk bahagian kritikal - brain, neck, throat, etc...


Didoakan agar kita semua dirahmati Allah SWT.
Dari Abu Hamid al-Sa`idi ra., katanya:
"Aku melihat Nabi Muhammad saw…..Apabila Baginda saw duduk pada rakaat yang kedua (Untuk membaca tahiyyat awal), ia duduk di atas kaki kirinya dan menegakkan kaki kanan (Duduk iftirash)….."
Hadith shohih riwayat Bukhri.
Pengajaran hadith:
1. Disunatkan duduk iftirash pada tahiyyat pertama.
2. Duduk iftirash juga disunatkan semasa duduk antara dua sujud dan ketika duduk istirahah iaitu duduk sesudah bangkit dari sujud yang kedua (Mustika Hadith)
3. Amalan duduk iftirash adalah sunnah Rasul saw dan apabila kita mengamal dan menyampaikannya kepada orang lain untuk mengamalkannya adalah mendapat pahala dan keberkatan dari Allah SWT
4. Amalan-amalan Rasul saw adalah bercahaya dan boleh mendekatkan diri seseorang kepada Allah SWT.

Mystery cat takes bus regularly on its own...

England - Bus drivers have nicknamed a white cat Macavity after it has started using the No 331 several mornings a week.

The feline, which has a purple collar, gets onto the busy Walsall to Wolverhampton bus at the same stop most mornings - he then jumps off at the next stop 400m down the road, near a fish and chip shop.

The cat was nicknamed Macavity after the mystery cat in T.S Elliot's poem. He gets on the bus in front of a row of 1950s semi-detached houses and jumps off at a row of shops down the road which include a fish and chip shop.

Driver Bill Khunkhun, 49, who first saw the cat jumping from the bus in January, said: "It is really odd, the first time I saw the cat jumping off the bus with a group of passengers. I hadn't seen it get on which was a bit confusing.

"The next day I pulled up on Churchill Road to let a couple of passengers on. As soon as I opened the doors the cat ran towards the bus, jumped on and ran under one of the seats, I don't think any of the passengers noticed.

"Because I had seen it jump off the day before I carried on driving and sure enough when I stopped just down the road he jumped off - I don't know why he would catch the bus but he seems to like it. I told some of the other drivers on this route and they have seen him too."

Since January, when the cat first caught the bus he has done it two or three times a week and always gets on and off at the same stops.

Passenger, Paul Brennan, 19, who catches the 331 to work, said: "I first noticed the cat a few weeks ago. At first I thought it had been accompanied by its owner but after the first stop it became quite clear he was on his own.

"He sat at the front of the bus, waited patiently for the next stop and then got off. It was was quite strange at first but now it just seems normal. I suppose he is the perfect passenger really - he sits quietly, minds his own business and then gets off."

A praying sejadah in a mosque

This event happened in a mosque one night in Oman...South of Muscat...the villagers heard the sound of a man reciting verses from the Qur'an and went into the msque to investigate..only to find no one around..upon thorough investigation, they found a 'sejadah'/ prayer carpet in a kneeling position, as if praying...facing the kiblat...subhanallah...

Does a Muslim wife has any rights to her money?

Assalamualaikum Ustaz,
Harap ustaz dapat jawab kemusykilan saya secara private. Semasa saya megikuti kursus rumahtangga, ustaz yang memberi ceramah kata duit suami adalah duit isteri jugak, tetapi duit isteri hak isteri. So, adakah maknanya di sini saya boleh membelanjakan duit gaji saya tanpa meminta kebenaran suami?
Sebab ada rakan lelaki saya berkata duit isteri pun, perlu mintak kebenaran suami jika nak beli apa-apa. Harap ustaz boleh jawab.
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Wa'alaikumsalaam Wr Wb
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Hak memberi nafkah kepada isteri dan anak2 adalah tanggungjawab suami. Suami tiada hak untuk memerintahkan isteri keluar bekerja, menjadi kesalahan dari segi syarak jika ia berbuat demikian. Tetapi apa yang boleh si suami boleh lakukan ialah meminta bantuan, jasa baik, understanding dari isteri supaya membantu dia, dengan si isteri keluar bekerja untuk meringankan beban kewangan. Dari itu, understanding dari pihak isteri amat diharapkan, kerana hidup berumahtangga....susah senang sama-sama merasainya. Jangan ada semacam perasan yang boleh membebankan suami dengan si isteri tetap tidak mahu membantu, tetap dengan kehendak suami mesti memenuhi segala kewajipan dia.
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Si suami pula, jika isteri sudah membantu, hargailah pengorbanan dan jasa baik isteri, sedia membantu isteri dalam kerja rumah. Tiada undang2 dlm Islam mengatakan semua kerja dlm rumah harus dilakukan oleh si isteri, sedangkan nabi Muhammad s.a.w melakukannya sendiri kerja rumah tanpa menyuruh isteri beliau iatu Khadijah.
Suami yang suka menyuruh2 si isteri adalah suami yang egoistic. Dari itu suami yang bijak dan beriman tahu akan tanggungjawab barulah bahagia hidup, hingga ke syurga.
Syarak melarang suami yang kaya atau yang berkemampuan membenarkan isteri keluar bekerja. Perbuatan ini amat tercela dalam Islam. Isteri tempatnya dirumah suami, menjaga rumahtangga dan anak-anak. Banyak orang tersalah tafsir dengan membenarkan isteri keluar bekerja. Sebenarnya, syarak hanya membenarkan isteri keluar bekerja apabila suami kurang berkemampuan dari segi kewangan. Suami yang mampu, tidak boleh mengizinkan isteri keluar bekerja, hatta apapun alasannya. Alasan boring ke, anak-anak dah besar tidak ada apa nak buat, semuanya tertolak. Kalau boring, baca Qur'an, khatamkan Qur'an, zikir, muhasabah diri, ingat mati lebih dari keluar bekerja. Boleh juga buat kerja kebajikan secara suka rela dengan izin suami, seperti cari dana rumah anak yatim, beri kaunseling penagih dadah, apa sahaja usaha yang menuju ke khairah ummah.
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Saya menolak pendapat "ustaz" kursus rumahtangga itu yang berkata duit isteri...isteri punya, jika isteri bekerja untuk membantu beban kewangan.
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1 )Duit isteri dari hasil pendapatan sebelum berumahtangga dan harta ibubapa si isteri atau harta faraid adalah milik isteri secara mutlak , suami tiada hak untuk mengunakannya, sebaliknya terpulang kepada isteri untuk memberi secara ikhlas atau hutang kepada suami demi meringankan beban kewangan.
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2)Duit dari hasil pendapatan setelah berumahtangga, yakni isteri keluar bekerja dengan izin suami demi membantu beban kewangan, mestilah duit itu dibelanja dengan izin suami, pihak steri kena faham ini.
Bagi suami pula, jangan menzalimi isteri dengan tidak memberi sedikit pun apa-apa kepada isteri setelah si isteri susah payah keluar membantu. Muafakatlah,kerana ia membawa berkat.
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Saya harap saudari faham akan penjelasan saya. Kalau isteri kaya, si suami pula miskin, si isteri boleh memberikan zakat harta atau zakat fitrah kepada suami.
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UnzhurMaa Qiila Walaa Tanzhur Man Qaala
AlHaqiir Wal Faqiir Ilaa Rabbihi, Akhuukum Fil Islaam
AbdulManaf Bin Abdul Gani

'SICK' is the most hated 4-letter word of my life...

It's been nearly a week but my sickness has not fully gone away yet...there are times when I felt like I'm dying from the excruciating pain I felt from my swollen neck muscles...The soreness in my throat will come and go, despite having finished all the lozenges I was given by the doc...Thank god, my hubby is always there for me, and I have superb and understanding colleagues and a very caring boss who treats me like his own daughter....

I hope to be healthy as a horse by next week, and be able to talk more as per normal...( currently I can't talk so much cos my voice will disappear half-way.. ) I guess everyone miss the crazy liza who just can't stop talking n joking once she started...muahaha!!

Anyway, the recent massacre courtesy of Mr Cho Seung Hui was a tragedy that could be stopped in it by better safety alarm features in the school ( I was wondering how come there's no security guards securing the there is in NUS )...or caring individuals who may prevent this mayhem by providing professional psychological help to him...( the tutors recognizing the signs of distress he displayed from his works in school..)..

I just can't make heads or tails on how anyone educated enough to go to college...can act so inhumanely n unjustly, affecting so many innocent lives throughout the world..the irony is, most of the terrorists in this world behind major mayhems like the 9/11 are very well educated themselves...since it was so well-planned, it couldn't be an act of spontaneous irrationality overcome by emotional distress...

Anyway, I foresee this unfateful event may repeat itself in the future by some copy-cats who just wanted to make headlines before they undergo self-destruction...the fact that it is so easy to have possession of deadly weapons legally in US doesn't help either...we can only observe, learn and sympathize wif afflicted innocent parties from these field of events unfolding in the actually teaches us how short life can be n to learn to treasure our loved ones more...

Sunday, April 15, 2007

a wonderful time we had...

I was having a mild fever n my body felt like a ton of bricks early yesterday morning ( 3.30am )...but wen I thought of the promise I made to my hubby to spend my whole Saturday (supposedly my only off day for this month,becos I have to cover for a fren aka colleague n sacrifice one of my off days)with him n do the things we planned, it gave me strength to fight the pain..( actually painkillers and lozenges helped a lot..)

we had a swell of a time, even though I have to take my pills at some point of time...we had breakfast together @ vivocity banquet n had our fav yong tau foo! caught the best 3D movie so far, 'MEET THE ROBINSONS''s more than just a cartoon..., n it taught us a lot of lessons along the way...

It strongly reminds me of the show 'Back to the Future', both funny n touching...has many moral values, family values...I simply was taken aback on how the whole Robinson's family CELEBRATED failure in the family..n lived optimistically by their motto in life-- KEEP MOVING FORWARD.

The show should be held for all children for free--esp orphans...they will learn a lot of helpful lessons they can apply to have a better life...dun be surprised to have raised goosebumps from the strong emotional effect of the show...two thumbs up for WALT DISNEY!!

Not only that, we spent some time @ McDonalds to munch on some fries, got fed up with the slow internet server, n moved on to Seletar Airport to go plane-spotting ( my baby's fav activity..) I learned some things from him...on why planes can't land on both tyres together...why planes need a further distance to land flapless ..n why the smaller planes have to make a go-around if a bigger plane( like Fokker50 caught in the vid) at their tail is planning to was relaxing too, added with the beautiful sunset scenery...

come to think of it...we ate only one real meal together for the day dear...isn't that amazing? p.s. for those wanting to lose weight, eat food packed with protein, it makes u less hungry the rest of the day!

ur beloved

sleep like a log my fren...

this vid shows how hard it is to wake up a sleeping log...erm..i mean a kitten, esp wen it's fast asleep on my lap..hehe..the hand belongs to my mum...

p.s. dun mind my shrill laughters...i just can't control myself... ;p

water bed

A very funny candid vid...laugh your hearts out...

p.s. pray it'll never happen to u...hehe

Ms pontianak...

If you haven known me yet, I love to explore videos of ghostly images and mysterious sure my relatives knew that cos they watched me grow, enthrilled n engrossed reading either horror or mystery factual books at the corner of my granny's house..either that or watching horror dvds or telling ghost stories to the small ones...hehehe..

I'm very glad though that some of them share the same passion as me n actually helps contribute vids n pics of ghostly images for me to collect!! muahaha! I'm going to collect all of them n store them here starting from now...whenever I have the time to surf..

anywayz, for ghost-lovers like me, enjoy this one, n decide for yourselves, whether it's just another facade or a real ghstly encounter...

p.s. I would update more personal videos of ghostly or eerie encounters wen married cos by the time I have 'kaki' to go ghost hunting wif...rite sayang?

One Great Weekend, Just Us...

We told ourselves that, with all our hectic schedules, we must spend at least a day out enjoying what we like to do as a couple.....quality time is always hard to find nowadays...

So...our great weekend actually starts on friday itself after Liza knocked of from work at late 5-ish pm...

First up... Our Friday dinner.. tried Sarpino's at Pasir Panjang...

why...near Liza's workplace (dam hungry), less people traffic (true enough we are the only seating customers)and parking easy/free (see my car at the background)hehehe... :P

food came....we ordered the cheapest set meal of 1pan pizza of yr choice, 1pasta of yr choice and 2 coke cans...damage:$23+

greek pizza with feta cheese (love feta) and one chicken pasta..
yum...!!! (food portion ratio, faee:liza = 7.5:3.5 :P hehe)

great pizza.....23 bucks hehe
quality time out with loved one.......priceless...
there are some things money cant buy, for other things there is mastercard...
sorry we paid cash here...haha

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

First Photoshop Idea

Since i started to blog for a quite awhile now (read:2 days), i have done quite an extensive amount of research on blogging in, i must say, a relatively short amount of time, from increasing visitor traffic and different blogskins that affects moods of readers to social life effects of blogging and impacts to individual mental and family health. woahhh...

I began to realise that this internet tool is very versatile and holds enormous potential in every way possible, almost limitless in uses and only limited by our creativity and imagination....but as Peter Parker said it himself, "With great power, comes greater responsibilites" or something to that nature (i'm sure Liza is the first to correct me on that..right sayang?), I can't really remember wholesale about the movie, cause I have yet to watch the franchise to get a leg-up for the up-coming latest edition of the movie, that we planned to watch together. (read:where have u been,out in space??everybody watched spidey...!!!) huh...yeah whateva :P

yes back to the blogging thing...i found out that in order to have a blogging site that is pleasing to both minds and eyes of readers, needs lots of planning, language checks, cramp fingers clicking photoshop tutorials....duh?

which brings me back to my first photoshopped endeavour, some kind of a postcard made for Liza, back in the early days of the relationship, in late 2004....when we began to realise that we are totally different souls, from very different backgrounds, have very utterly diverse interests....(more on stories of how we met, got shocked and are still here,still smittened, as if we have just met)

here u go...this one's dedicated to us....from all the ups and the downs...we sum it all of with this....

PS: note the simple attempt at the filters...hehehe...:)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

My Humble Silver Vios

Hey..make it a the first post ever on this all newly created blogspot of ours...
What better way to inaugurate this blogging experience of ours by introducing my first singaporean registered car...

The humble 1.5l (1nz-fe) Toyota Vios....the Pre-FL vios as they called it....because it is one of the earliest vios on the SDZ plate....

The made in Thailand Vios made its debut as SDX plate and priced way below any small japan-made car with full specs....

1)Pre Facelift Vios 2003-2004 (mine...)
2)Turbo Limited Edition Vios 2003-2005 (Thai only)
3)Facelift Vios 2004-2006
4)Vios 2007-

Enough said about the car.....

here are the pics...

Vios Turbo available only in Thailand, Pre-facelift Vios share the same design,minus the bonnet scoop of course.

Below:Here's a rare glimpse of the ooohhh so yummy turbo, we in our little Spore can only envy....haiz....!!!!can u see the turbo??not from this view u cant...

Contrast this with my engine bay here and close up look of my DIY Apexi SRI (short-ram intake).....pre-"supercharged" that is.... huh??supercharger??where??hehehe....

Faee'sLift version of Vios...Note the dynamic design change over the course of 4 yrs....and mind u every pic got a different story to tell...

Here (2004)....this is a workshop at an Esso station just outside Sembawang Shopping Center, where i got my front windsreen replaced due to a long hairline crack from the top, which until now i didnt know how i get it....:(

ehh...thought that girl look familiar...??hehehe
Here (2005) i witness an accident unfold...a very stupid one involving another silver vios that always driving in SG, it always wise to carry recording apparatus for insurance purposes...more on this incident if i got time k? Promise...

Here (2006),latest pic of my vios,close to 3.5yrs old now,still going Toyota-strong, and mind u this machine save petrol as it age, serious...FC decreases?!?!?! sure or not?!?!? Well here is a shot of an dull vios with my garang vios at my block carpark garang wor...!!(

here's a frontal shot (2007)..hey those are projector headlamps ok....but i have yet to solve the fogging part....and since when i have a triangle P plate on my car when i have driven for close to 10yrs now...???hehehe....

and to end it of with our latest dusk shot of my beloveds....muah..!!guess where this is???