what a crazy month to celebrate raya!
Just fully recovered from flu (which lasts for 2 unbearable weeks), and getting my voice to sound normal again... U can expect my face not to be glowing as it's supposed to on the first day of raya... I was heavily sedated and relied on my meds and antibiotics to get by each day and try perform as many activities for the month...
A candid shot of me working...thanks to ms salsa...
Baking cakes and cookies, driving my family around for a whole day in a rented car, going out with colleagues, friends, my bf and his relatives for raya... it was super-tiring,yet worth every sweat I shed along the way...
Speaking of colleagues, I'm really gonna miss the whole bunch of wacky and fun-loving poly attachment students @ my workplace as they are going off soon... to face their final year exam... Wishing them all the lucks they need! Never failing to find time to chat up the kiddies... :)
Noisy girls posing in the toilet...
Went out for dinner @ 18 Chefs in Tiong Bahru Plaza
The kids acting busy...
Work has been busy as always added with my busy schedule teaching... need to jumpstart my intensive training for my Women10K Run coming 1 Nov... really looking forward to it! Starting my night shifts very very soon... and I really hope I don't disappoint anyone at that...
Things to look forward to in this next few mths:
- My bf family meeting my family to formally discuss our engagemnt & wedding plans
( 3 Oct )
- Going out raya with my relatives ( 4 Oct )
- All my students' exams ( Oct )
- My Women10K ( 1 Nov )
- Balloting for a place to live ( 0ct )
- Buying Iphone 3G / 3GS ( Oct - Nov )
- My engagement ceremony ( 27 Dec )
- Booking of all necessary wedding day services (deco/catering being of utmost priority!) : ( Oct - Dec '09 )
Gonna write my book review in another posting then... its quite late now... *yawn*