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Saturday, December 12, 2009

bring me to life...

Being away from my dear hasn't been easy for me, considering we used to see each other almost 24/7.... it has started to take a toll on my appetite and consequently my health... my whole body feels sapped of energy everyday, despite taking my vitamins and trying to eat well and do some exercise routines...

It is just being apart for 10 days and I felt so sick...I thought it was going to be easy, but I was dead wrong.... I can't imagine other women who is having long distance relationships for months, or even years... separated due to work commitments, etc... I wonder how they cope and make the relationship work...

Even reading is so difficult to enjoy, cos whatever I read reminds me of my hubby, coz he loves to read too... Constant prayers seem to be the only answer to my transient loneliness... a few days seem so long... it feels like 10 years to me... and I can't seem to enjoy myself... or enjoy doing the things I used to enjoy... The mood is not even there to start with...

Can't wait for the source of my joy and inspiration in life to come back home... still counting down... 6 more miserable days to go... In the meantime, I'll be trying very hard to concentrate on anything I'm on, especially at avoid another accident from happening...

I recently encountered a freak accident in the biochemistry lab I'm working in... blood from a patient's sample splashed onto my whole face and body, inevitably entering my eyes... Unfortunately, it happened on the same day my baby was to leave for Perth,Australia due to work commitments...

What entails was a whole series of designated protocols... involving so many management staffs and doctors... I felt so guilty for the unnecessary chaos that resulted... Thanks to God, my blood tests for HIV,Hep C & Hep B were neagtive... and the same goes for the patient's blood... I felt so relieved... but I will still be under close monitor for another 6 mths from now, because the doctors said HIV virus needs 3 mths to incubate and they want to provide me the necessary medical treatments if the slightest hint of the virus exist in my blood...

Today my dear went out with his colleagues to Fremantle Market and to enjoy the Kaili's famous Fish & Chips... I haven't been there, but I've seen photos of the place in the internet.... it looks like such a peaceful place to be in and escape from reality for awhile.. considering I love to go to natural landscapes but hadn't had the opportunity to go as yet....

Will be looking forward to go with my dear when we get married and explore other countries together, taking beautiful picturesque photos with our beloved DSLR...