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Sunday, December 30, 2007

movie review...I Am Legend

The latest show I've watched with my dear is 'I am Legend', starring Will Smith...there's just so many flaws n loopholes in the content of this movie that we feel rather confused at the end of the show about what message the director (Francis Lawrence) is trying to convey to his audiences - there seems to be so many issues in his mind he's trying to squeeze into the whole show, it degenerates the show's credibility, despite having Will Smith on board...plainly speaking, he's trying too hard to impress but ends up showing just mediocrity instead...

1. To start with, how did a retrofitted virus comes into place in the cure for cancer? They are 2 diff worlds..somehow or rather without any elaboration besides the stupid expressway analogy provided by the lady scientist who was hailed for the discovery of the cure for cancer..the virus mutated n became airborne causing a worldwide plague that killed millions...

2. There was a scene whereby Robert Neville (Will Smith) mentioned while working on one of his captured experimental 'guinea pigs' in lab, that the night creatures do not possess any human-like behaviours...which I totally DISAGREE with...the director truly contradicts this point by showing human-like emotions emanating from one of the night creatures...that of anger projected at Neville for capturing one of his kinds, maybe his wife even....not only that, the creature has its own dogs too to train n even managed to manipulate Neville into falling into his trap..neatly showing human intelligence at work...lastly, one of the creatures was protrayed as the leader of the pack, showing evidence of community...

3. The most frustrating part of the movie was portraying a scientist (Neville), having a mental breakdown screaming into Anna's face his doubts on the existence of God & so delusionized into thinking he was the only survivor on the planet, he closed his mind to other options, even if it offers the hope n reality of fact that there are other survivors beyond ground zero who can actually help accelerate his project of finding the vaccine for the virus...can someone pls tell me how one person can find enough vaccine for the world, in a small lab with limited resources..having to worry about his survival every minute of the day...?? It is alright to be hero but pls at least use a part of ur brains for better

The reason I went to watch the show was because of Will Smith...period

Will Smith acting : 5 stars
Content of movie : 1 star

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