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Thursday, March 27, 2008

wonderful quotes....

Here's some wonderful quotes to get you by those rough days....they're adapted from a book I just read, a compilation by Douglas Pagels, and will keep in mind as they might come in handy especially during those crucial,tough turning points of changes we constantly have to face in our lives...

Here are some of my favourites from this book...and they really helped me conquer tough hurdles I faced, especially at work which is currently the most stressful part of my life, and emerge as a better person each day....

Everyone should have a book like this to get through the gray days

- I think if you do your best, the rest will take care of itself.

- Keep focused. When one thing is wrong, it doesn't mean that everything is. It's easy to let yourself get overwhelmed, but try not to go there. If it's only one rock that is falling, don't let your worries let it turn into a landslide.

- Don't spend your life brooding over sorrows and mistakes. Don't be the one who never gets over things.

- What is sometimes perceived as weakness is actually strength. The more you're bothered by something that's wrong, the more you're empowered to make things right.

- Don't stress out about things you have no control over. Sometimes what is...just is. Don't waste your days in emotional disarray over a negative situation that you can be in control of. Remember, you always have 3 options : Move on; Stay where you are and just deal with it; or turn a difficult situation into a positive one.

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