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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Be A Blood Donor

We had a blood donation drive at Gleneagles Hospital today, and I was one of the fervent supporters of blood donation who volunteered to have my precious blood withdrawn and tested for compatibility... Thank god this year my weight is acceptable ( it was botherline though ) and I was given the opportunity to donate my blood.

I'm proud to be a donor, considering I wasn't able to donate for 6 years now due to my weight being below the level required... Being an O+, means I'm a universal donor, and that anyone can use my blood regardless of their blood type because mine has no antigens for recipients' antibodies to react with and form unwanted adverse clotting or coagulation reactions...

Let's be a blood donor in every year of your life! You may never know who you saved with your blood... Let's share the gift of life by donating blood starting from today! :) The pain lasts only awhile but the glory and pride last a lifetime....

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