Night Safari 'Halloween Horrors'....
Can't wait to enjoy my off days after slogging my ass off for half a year without a break... My off days in October are quite sporadic though.. and all over the place... yet totalling to almost 9 days off work...more than enough for me cos I hate to just laze around at home...
Things I'm looking forward to in the month of October :1. Booked tickets for 2 to enjoy the latest attraction at Night Safari...'Halloween Horrors'... took leave for 3 days to celebrate my hubby's birthday!! yeah! Coincidentally it falls on 17th October... muahaha!! Will look forward to go for overseas ghost tours with hubby when married...Need to prep my hubby for a strong heart to endure my strange interests...
2. Hari Raya celebration with my family, relatives and friends... The date is fixed on 12 Oct 2008 to visit each other's house together ( with all my relatives ) for the whole day.. spending time together eating and chatting... 15 Oct 2008 for just my family.. will be the driver for the day to bring my family around to visit family friends... and the dates are not set yet for my own friends...
3. Great Eastern Women 10K will fall on 26th October... currently trying to get my body back on track ( hadn't been running consistently during fasting month ) by running at least thrice a week to prep myself for the long run... still considering whether to sign up for the upcoming Solomon X-Trail run held in November, to encourage my hubby to join... 4. Lots of studying to do... cos I will be signing up for a very tough examination called ASCP... for certification as a medical technologist qualified to work overseas, esp in US... just for the fun of it, and to polish up on my interest in my job... I hate doing things without understanding the theories behind it... I'm planning to sit for the exam in March 2009, and currently doing my own revision... because signing up for night classes is too expensive, time-consuming and exhausting for me...considering my stupid inconsistent work schedule... ( read : sometimes I finish work at midnight... I can hear my bones breaking..haha! )
P.S. What's the use of life without any challenges ? ?
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