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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Venturing into the other world....

*Warning : This blog entry is not for the faint-hearted... please please do not play any of the videos if you don't think you can take it...**

Today is my day off work... clearing my leave for this year...up til friday... As curious and baffled as always, I love to explore videos and pictures online to have some glimpses of other peoples' experiences with entities from the 'other' world...

I respect people's individual beliefs... so this entry is for people like me... who is interested yet not have much experience in this subject... can't wait to go for ghost tours in future with my hubby for our holidays!! I might capture some interesting images I can share with others here... :)

Here are some clips and pics I found very interesting, peculiar yet unexplainably realistic... you don't have to judge... just watch and enjoy yourself...

For this clip, the crew has invited an 'expert' to perform some ritual acts and chants to call for some spirits to show themselves up to the people who dare take up the challenge to see ghosts... whoever can remain standing the whole night until the next morning, despite being 'disturbed' by the entities lurking around them.... will win a million rupiahs... ( This show is only available in Indonesia if I'm not mistaken, but not sure which district )

Read : Infra-red cameras will be located to film the whole event, as the crew will be hundreds of meters away from the scene to leave the challenger alone in the dark... The microphone used is very sensitive to the slightest sound available...

My fav part of this clip is the isolated underground tunnel... whereby you can hear the 'pontianak' laughing loudly... she showed herself up at the end of the tunnel ( a lady in white with very long hair ) nearing the end of the clip.... the guy gave up despite trying his best to remain calm by meditating....

This video is by far the most realistic candid videos I've seen online... unlike the others which are just spoofs... The guy is playing with his camera video featuring his friends slacking around when he noticed a 'Pontianak' lurking in the background...

He urged them to come into the house first before all of them scrammed... but the funny part is the part where nobody dares to close the door... in case she is right in front of it...

Verdict : I think this video is real... not everyone is so lucky to capture such a clear image... but can't see the face of the entity...

Will share more realistic enough to believe pictures and videos I stumbled across.... so far I can't find good pictures because due to the advancement of technology and knowledgeable people's creativity... most of them are rigged...

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