Life...hectic as usual...
Counting my last day of work @ parkway lab... my last day @ work will fall on 4th April 09'... and my first day of work @ SGH Biochemistry Lab will fall on 14th April 09'... which subsequently means that I have 10 days to rest!! YES!!! Next plan is to go on a short shopping trip with mummy & sis @ KL til' we drop!!!
Started teaching at Silat RC, but only on alternate weekends... the pay is definitely not fantastic, but will suffice for some surplus liquid assets... As usual, tried slotting in hours of running & gym, even though Ben & Jerry's seems to sound like a much better option after a long, tiring day @ work.... teaching triple pure science to 3 upper sec students from SAP schools... on top of my private tutoring hours...
I'm definitely a busy woman....
YET, able to slot in hours to read a book as and when I find some available time, no matter how bulky the book may be & how nerdy I might seem to others... My current read is closer to feminism in nature, entitled 'Life's a Stitch', edited by Anne Safran Dalin : A compilation of fantastics works by women of all backgrounds....
A definite read for all women in the world!! One common denominator that exists in all the women's works - a great sense of humor surrounding women's everyday struggles with life : work & love.... A great work ALL women can relate to...
I love the fact that a portion of the proceeds will be donated to charity.
I will share some of the excerpts taken from this lovely book, in different postings:
On why men & women can't stay married....
'...Large appliances break up far more relationships than do sex, money, household chores, and relatives.....'
'...Even if her marriage survives the refrigerator challenge, the "what-were-you-doing-when-you-broke-it?" menace awaits...'
'..."It just started beating itself against the basement wall like it was trying to commit suicide".....'
'....Did you spot the trend? One spouse, usually the male, forms a series of questions aimed at finding out whose fault it is. Large appliances provide the easiest available way for a husband to blame his wife for an expensive inconvenience for which she was no way responsible. For reasons that no one has been able to discern, this makes him feel better. For reasons that are perfectly obvious, this makes her feel like keeping the washer and trading in the husband....'
Marcia Steil
rating = 5/5 stars
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