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Wednesday, August 05, 2009

been too busy to blog lately...

Everyday has been a tiring day for me as I tried like a crazy woman, to fit as much itineraries into my already hectic schedule as possible... so little time, so MUCH to do!!

Nevertheless, I always tried my best to put in time for family,books,gym, running, friends, pets, tuition students and work... Here's 2 videos I took of the 'apple of my eye' @ home.... Her name is Siti, and my mum - her Arch-nemesis - is bullying her....

My mum knew she loooove chickens but doesn't really feel sincere enough to feed her the proper way... so decided to hang the chicken off a string to see the measures she's willing to take to enjoy her snack... hehe...

Part 1 - Caution!! Might be nauseatic for some cos I couldn't make up my mind which angle my cat will look best in...great apologies....

Part 2 - Conclusion to whether Siti ate the chicken....

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