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Sunday, August 16, 2009

book review: Secrets of Super Achievers

Had a great weekend! Went out with my colleagues after work on Friday night and caught a show @ Plaza Singapura after dinner @ BK... the show was called 'Orphan', and it was really dark and freaky the whole show... I found the whole storyline rather unsettling - regarding a couple who adopted a 9-yr old from an orphanage after a recent loss of a baby to stillbirth....

The orphan was called Esther, and was actually from a mental hospital which burned due to a case of arson which was still unsolved. The disturbing part was when Kate Coleman, the wife who came about with the idea of adopting, found out after an exhaustive search into Esther's background, only to find out that Esther was actually a 33 yr old woman, a serial killer, who has a growth dysfunctional problem that caused her to have an underdeveloped body, and thus looks like a 9-yr old....

Of course, by the time the truth was revealed, it was too late... some lives were already lost... Overall, I find the show gory, erotic, sick and violent... went out of the theatre with a bad headache and in need of Panadol... haha

Read a great book recently called,'Secrets of Super Achievers', by Philip Baker. It was a book beautifully and simply written regarding the common traits of Super Achievers and how we can work towards being one....

Easy to digest yet never fail to impress with the random distributions of inspirational quotes and stories from great people of the past and present.

It is a great book for anyone to read and will find great difficulties putting it down once he/she started reading it... Everyone needs motivational books such as these along the way to propel himself forward and live life gracefully... especially in the face of adversities which is inevitable... I can truly relate with everything written in this book, having faced some hard times as well....

There's so many great quotes and stories in the book but here's only some that I love & can share in this humble space of a blog :

'The trials of life will either wear you down, or polish you up, depending on what you are made of'

'We must use time as a tool, not as a couch' ~ JFK

'There are too many people who think they're educated because they have a diploma. They aren't. You don't get educated; you prepare yourself for an education. You prepare yourself to know how to look things up, to know how to use books, how to think.'~ Art Buchwald

'The love of learning;the love of books is a common trait for Super Achievers. Truman was a constant reader, as was Kennedy.'

'It is when we love and we are loved,believe in others and sense their faith in us as well, that we discover what it is to become truly human. We cannot survive as simply autonomous units.'

'These people are not stupid...but they can't think. They have gone straight from college and acquired their law and commerce degrees and missed out on an education. Sadly, what we are finding in our company is that many of our best thinkers have never been near a university...' ~ Sir Robert Jones

'The only difference between the big shot and the little shot, is that the big shot was simply the little shot that kept on shooting.'~ Zig Ziglar

'He who has a "why" can live with almost any "how".'~ Victor Frankl

'Courage is not the absence of fear,it is the ability to face fear and say,"Regardless of how I feel at the moment, I am going to push through to the other side."'

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