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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

so busy lately...

I'm so glad to have accomplished so many things within a month... it's no small feat juggling work,tuition,family and friends... The current updates bout me so far...

Went to Singapore Expo Wedding and Holiday Fair on 24th Oct along with my bf family members... it was fun hanging out with them the whole day, right after work... not excluding the fact that I managed to secure Andam service for my wedding next year as well as a reputable and an established photojournalist to take the beautiful moments of my wedding day next yr...

Being the most choosiest and hard-to-pls couple around, always wanting the best and most unique service ever, the photojournalist's portfolio simply swept us away... as his concept of photography aligned nicely with the concept we had in mind... it comes at a price though... but simply worth it :)

On the same day, my future-mother-in-law secured catering and deco services for her side for the wedding day...

Regarding movies... I've watched a couple within a month...

'Cloudy with a chance of meatballs'-3D... watched with my dear quite late after work... the storyline was rather long-winded and weak... after an hour I was feeling rather bored... there's no beautiful music scores,unlike the other shows we've caught... no climax scene... the only part I will never forget is...hearing a snore beside me, only to find my dear sleeping under his huge 3D glasses...haha!

'Darah' is an Indonesian horror movie I caught with the poly students who used to serve their attachment period in the lab...the show was filled with so much blood, violence and gore... coupled with a sick storyline... I felt like puking at the end of the head was spinning slightly when we went out of the theatre... I think our group was the most absorbed into the movie that we screamed almost every minute of the show..(obviously the noisiest) I wonder how much calories were lost as a result.... :)

The best show I've watched this month is called,'My Sister's Keeper'... an adaptation of Jodi Picoult's masterpiece I've never gotten to read coz the book is almost always out of stock in the bookstores... get tissue papers ready no matter how hard as a rock ur heart is... like me...

Throughout the whole show I was struck by the painful and beautiful moments the family shared throughout Kate's inevitably progressive disease... the moral and ethical issues surrounding the disease... how it affected everyone in the family... how a disease can break some family bonds or create stronger family bonds, depending on the various perspectives people choose to take...

At the end of the day, I learn that death is an inevitable stage in any life processes... whoever lives, needs to die one day... but the interesting question is... how far will you go for someone you love, who is facing the death sentence?...

Will you be stuck in denial and exhaust every possible way to prolong his/her life,so you can spend more time together... but at the expense of the people around you? So absorbed in thinking of various ways to save her... so much so your marriage starts to break apart, you quit your job,you start neglecting the rest of your children, and so far as to hurt and make use of another child to save the dying one...?

Or is the concept of acceptance better for the benefit of everyone around including the dying? To be able to spend as much quality time together with the dying, and make every moment together count & as beautiful as possible...filled with laughters and happiness... To create as much precious memories together and take away the stress of the disease from everyone's mind... so as to make the dying family member's life as fulfilled and less painful and less scary as possible up to the last day of his/her life.....

If it happens to me, I would prefer the concept of acceptance... which is definitely a harder choice, but brings me peace and happiness til my death... and more smiles on the faces of my loved ones due to the beautiful memories created together...

rating= 5/5 stars

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