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Friday, November 27, 2009

December is the busiest mth in 2009....

Selamat Hari Raya Haji to all fellow Muslims reading this blog entry...

I'll be off to my granny's place this afternoon to celebrate this special day with my relatives the rest of the day... followed by a visit to the cemetery tomorrow morning in remembrance of all our loved ones who have passed but will always be etched in our hearts....

Gonna rent a car to spend the rest of tomorrow going around S'pore sending my engagement invitation cards to some of my relatives & bringing my family out for a spin... being the only driver around, I guess it's gonna be a tiring day tmrw... but will still look forward to a gym session with my baby in the evening...

Considering my dear will be flying off to Australia soon due to work commitments, ( 8-18th Dec09') we only have a week left to rush and get the things needed for my corporate dinner & dance event which falls on the 20th Dec, which will be held @ Megu Hall Event, near the great S'pore Flyer....

What's a bummer is having to work OT doing my on-call duty on 6th Dec 09', which falls on the same day as an ex-classmate's wedding reception... Despite that, I've decided to come by her place and congratulate her a day before the event...

Another bummer is having to work night shift on the 11th Dec 09' and still be ready for the 12th & 13th Dec to help facilitate the event of my cousin's wedding... which I foresee will be going to be extremely tiring considering the low budget they've set aside for the event and the lack of manpower on the 2 days... I'm gonna look like a panda bear...

I hope to be able to make it to a friend's birthday party which falls on the 19th Dec, a day before my corporate event... I'm sure it's gonna be a blast! Not sure what to get her though...

Of course, I'll definitely be looking forward to my engagement ceremony... I hope the whole event will a huge success, and my make-up doesn't melt halfway or something... Considering the amount of effort and budget put in, I hope all the guests will go home with an unforgettable experience...

I can't wait for the month of January to come... as I have a week of annual leave to rest my ass off after New Year... and start revising all the Pure Sciences subjects and familiarize myself with the latest O-lvl syllabus before starting another round of tuition assignments for 2010...

The year of 2010 will be more hectic considering most of my days in a week will be taken up by tuition slots! It'll be the same students but the frequency of the tuition slots will be increased due to parents' special requests...

P.S. Sayang, don't forget to upload the pics... I'd really love to share the pics here... :) thanks!

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