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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

articles of note...

Chanced upon an interesting article 'Probing the Unknown' in SundayTimes newspaper, 20 January 2008... it gives a brief overview of my jobscope as a medical technician, as well as other lab-related professions, accompanied by helpful pictures of the machines we use.

This will undoubtly enable the public to appreciate and understand the jobscope of the people working behind the scenes, yet serving as an important asset to doctors in the diagnosis of patient's conditions...

I'm so glad important faces from the different specialties of pathology were featured too... It's high time the public recognise the hardwork of these people who made a difference to our lives by researching cures to recent outbreaks... from Sars to dengue to malaria to fusarium keratitis infection of contact lens in 2006, etc...

Another interesting article, 'Working with Gen Y' can be found in THE STRAITS TIMES, 23 January 2008... on the last page of Recruit section....

The author, Guy Day, has obviously done much back-breaking research on the Generation Y, those born between 1982 and 2000, and on how employers can fully utilise this hardworking generation by first understanding their temperaments and needs.

Myself belonging to this generation, I can identify myself very well with some of the points he listed...

'1. Gen Y-ers like freedom, place importance on diverse experiences and are socially driven.

2. They are young, smart, able to grasp concepts quickly and are used to adapting to different situations.

3. They value things other than an office with a harbour view, impressive job titles and high salaries.

4. They also seek creative challenges and view colleagues as vast and useful resources from whom to gain knowledge.

5. In their mind, the boss is not always right. Gen Y employees want their suggestions to be heard by their employers. ( this is so me!! )

6. Gen Y workers are comfortable with constant feedback and recognition from others and feel lost if communication from their employers are irregular.

7. Gen Y workers have high expectations of themselves and their employers. They aim to work faster and better than others, and they want fair and direct managers who are highly engaged in their professional development.

8. Gen Y employees are less likely to respond to the traditional type of command-and-control style. In fact, they are more receptive to mentorship programmes.'

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