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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Start of my one week leave..!!!

Tomorrow will mark the first day off work... taking my mind and time off work for a week just to wind down and relax... working in stat clinical lab is getting more and more challenging, as one of my seniors is taking a long medical leave soon ( torn his shoulder ligament while heaving down a heavy box )....

Which leaves me with the responsibility to learn fast so as to be able to take over things when the need arises, considering the manpower in lab is rapidly dwindling due to certain work scheduling reasons + off days for those working I hope my colleagues will strive well without me around.... stress can be good once awhile...

Most probably will be spending most of my time lazying around at home, reading books, cooking up ideas to do new crazy things, and lots & lots of game downloads... have yet to decide which game I really want to buy from despite downloading so many games...

So fickle.... I get sick of games fast unless it's really engaging like gold miner It's really a must try!! Don't tell me I didn't warn you beforehand how addictive it can be, especially if you constantly seek challenges in life like me....

Will make my own list of recommended downloadable online games soon enuff....

So what's new?

Wounded my finger today while playfully nudging my cute cat... didn't know cats can be soo moody despite having such a relaxing day to day schedule of activities...playing, eating and

Saw a well-known Malaysian director, Aziz M Osman, at Adam Road eatery yesterday evening.... but did not manage to get a good picture of him due to my nerves & excitement getting the better of me and not wanting to come off as a paparazzi...

(read: people noticed me more than the fella coz I was so excited I was unconsciously jumping up & down, squeezing my hubby's arms..haha )

Currently reading TSGS ( TRUE SINGAPORE GHOST STORIES ) PART 17... being such a huge fan of true horror, it's such a cool book I'm taking my time to absorb the essence of horror at it's best, that is to read the chilling tales only near midnight....

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