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Sunday, November 25, 2007

what I've been up to nowadays...

Hmmm... basically not much time to do anything else after work...except hanging out with my hubby...either running, swimming, weight lifting in the gym or just reading books together, sipping a steaming cuppacino at much time to spend on the comp surfing the net or to update this blog...the latest book I've read so far is 'The Devil Wears Prada', by Lauren Weisberger...

It is quite hilarious and enjoyable to read...truly bringing the reader to the hard reality of life that despite graduating from universities, we graduates still have to vie with one another for the limited jobs available to us( most of the time...not really getting to do what we really have in mind..) and that patience, hard work and perseverence counts to get you where you really want to for the case of the character in the book, she had to sacrifice time with her loved ones for her unbelievably demanding first job....and decided to finally make a life-changing decision that might ruin her future, but it turned out otherwise in the end....great book to read !! ( 3 stars )

Thursday, November 08, 2007


The latest movie I've watched is the 'BEE MOVIE', by Jerry was hilarious, brimming with witty jokes only adults can catch...was truly enjoyable for stressed up ppl like us working our ass off most of our time...however, it a very predictable movie with little content in storyline...a good first attempt by Seinfield in the animation world but can always do better...

rating = 3 stars ( not much intellectual stimulation to look forward to, but a great movie to just stretch your legs n relax to...)

Today marks the celebration of a new year for all Indians all over the wishing everyone a happy deepavali n may the year to come will bring great joy to us all!! Was invited by Aunt Rajamah to celebrate the joy of Deepavali at her place, with the rest of the microbiolgy lab team ( used to work with them back at arc..), had great food and laughter, reminiscing those good times we had...really missed those crazy lots!! Looking forward to an outing with the micro gang again to celebrate one of our lot's b'dae... :)

Work at gleneagles hospital has been manageable, but will be trying to have a glimpse of our the workflow is like in immunology dptmt whenever I get the chance, since that will be my next destination for training sooner or later...other than that, most of the time hanging out with my baby doing workouts in the gym n continue our running regime...truthfully speaking, it is quite hard to pick myself up again to run after the recent 5k, n making time for running n all...but there's always time for improvement, n I'm doin my best to stay in shape currently.... :)