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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Counting down to my last day of work....

Counting down my last days @ work, yet with such a heavy heart... to leave all the great, funny, crazy, incredibly talented people I've met in Parkway Lab Svcs.... gonna miss my friends aka colleagues....

We're gonna meet up tomorrow evening for a hangout fun @ MINDS Cafe at Bugis... hope it won't be crowded... gonna call up to reserve some seats for us tomorrow morning... It will be harder to meet up like this in future as each of us will be leading our separate lives & focusing on our individual goals & future plans....

Most of them are searching for better positions elsewhere...some still persevering whilst pursuing their part-time degree programmes & working full time @ the same time... ( I really respect these guys man.... take my hats off...)

As for me, I'm going to start off from a new workplank... I'm sooo excited... will see myself working very hard, as my goal will be to stay long & gain sufficient experience and recommendations to score a ( Masters )scholarship to specialise in the Biochemistry field & be someone important....

In the meantime though, I'm studying independently for the ASCP exam to be a more qualified Medical Technologist, on an international level... I want to prove to people that nothing is impossible in life... especially to my sis, to never give up & persevere in all endeavours to reap the entailing rewards... cos God is always fair to us if we deserve it....

Live life to the fullest!!

An excerpt taken from ' Life's A Stitch '...
(even my hubby giggled when he read this )

'...What would happen,for instance,if suddenly,magically,men could menstruate and women could not?

The answer is clear - menstruation would become an enviable,boast-worthy,masculine event.

Men would brag about how long & how much.

Boys would mark the onset of menses,that longed-for proof of manhood,with religious ritual & stag parties.

Congress would fund a National Institute of Dysmenorrhea to help stamp out monthly discomforts.

Sanitary supplies would be federally funded & free.

...only men can serve in the Army "You have to give blood to take blood"...

...In fact,if men could menstruate,the power justification could probably go on forever.

If we let them.'

Gloria Steinem

Monday, March 23, 2009

Life...hectic as usual...

Counting my last day of work @ parkway lab... my last day @ work will fall on 4th April 09'... and my first day of work @ SGH Biochemistry Lab will fall on 14th April 09'... which subsequently means that I have 10 days to rest!! YES!!! Next plan is to go on a short shopping trip with mummy & sis @ KL til' we drop!!!

Started teaching at Silat RC, but only on alternate weekends... the pay is definitely not fantastic, but will suffice for some surplus liquid assets... As usual, tried slotting in hours of running & gym, even though Ben & Jerry's seems to sound like a much better option after a long, tiring day @ work.... teaching triple pure science to 3 upper sec students from SAP schools... on top of my private tutoring hours...

I'm definitely a busy woman....

YET, able to slot in hours to read a book as and when I find some available time, no matter how bulky the book may be & how nerdy I might seem to others... My current read is closer to feminism in nature, entitled 'Life's a Stitch', edited by Anne Safran Dalin : A compilation of fantastics works by women of all backgrounds....

A definite read for all women in the world!! One common denominator that exists in all the women's works - a great sense of humor surrounding women's everyday struggles with life : work & love.... A great work ALL women can relate to...

I love the fact that a portion of the proceeds will be donated to charity.

I will share some of the excerpts taken from this lovely book, in different postings:

On why men & women can't stay married....

'...Large appliances break up far more relationships than do sex, money, household chores, and relatives.....'

'...Even if her marriage survives the refrigerator challenge, the "what-were-you-doing-when-you-broke-it?" menace awaits...'

'..."It just started beating itself against the basement wall like it was trying to commit suicide".....'

'....Did you spot the trend? One spouse, usually the male, forms a series of questions aimed at finding out whose fault it is. Large appliances provide the easiest available way for a husband to blame his wife for an expensive inconvenience for which she was no way responsible. For reasons that no one has been able to discern, this makes him feel better. For reasons that are perfectly obvious, this makes her feel like keeping the washer and trading in the husband....'

Marcia Steil

rating = 5/5 stars

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

career switch....

I'm currently in the midst of a career switch... still the same profession, but will be joining the public sector next month.... I believe I've made the right choice for my future... planning to settle down with my beloved hubby... :)

Recently I've read a book on creative thinking... called 'A Whack On The Side Of The Head' by Roger von Oech.... most of the quotes in the book were based on Heraclitus, the presocratic Greek philosopher..... The arguments delivered in the book forced us readers to look at life's everyday problems and day-to-day living from as many viewpoints as possible....

Just focusing on the best possible answer to a problem is not enough & might even limit out range of creativity... always open doors for the 2nd and 3rd best solutions which might be more economical or beneficial in the long run....

The most important thing in life is to remember...never make excuses in order to easily break through status quo.... Read the book & gain the useful insights to be applied to your personal life... Go ahead... :)

All thanks to God the almighty that my family's problems regarding withcraft is improving... our relentless efforts in seeking help from learned Muslim leaders and ustazs had finally paid off.... I'm so glad things have improved gradually.... May Allah bless our lives...& provide equal punishments to those who have sinned against us...